Pioneering Amphibious & Floating Urbanism and Nature Based Solutions for Living with Water!
Pioneering Amphibious & Floating Urbanism and Nature Based Solutions for Living with Water!
NestAbide completed over 10 projects and 20 research projects inside and outside India. We hope to create an impact on the water sector and building construction sector. We love setting resilient and sustainable examples for the immediate future.
NestAbide focuses on flood resilient technologies, wetlands rejuvenation eco-technologies, and building engineering and skill development programmes through a unique translational perspective.
We are an interdisciplinary team of engineers, architects and designers working for the betterment of 'living' and 'life' conditions of people and the planet. Our mentors are from India, Canada and the Netherlands.
An amphibious building is a flood-resilient building that rests on the ground and whenever water rises or a flood occurs, the entire building rises up on its dock, where it floats, buoyed up by the floodwater. The building will return to the ground when the water recedes. It helps inhabitants and the house itself to be safe during a flood.
'Amphi Nest' is India's first working prototype of amphibious building technology with a concrete buoyant foundation, build to set an example of a flood resilient construction technique where people can continue their usual living style without compromising much during the flood.
Amphibious houses can be built to be situated in/near a water body. On a similar construction cost range, the space inside the buoyant foundation can be used as a room compared to an ordinary foundation that we build now.
We request everyone to be a part of the Flood Resilient campaign started by the Nestabide Team to help the Flood affected people across India.
Amphibious homes for flood resilient India - #AmphihomesforIndia
NestAbide is India's first firm to undertake Amphibious House construction.
Get in touch with us to build
"Indian Amphibious Home."
Be Flood Resilient.
പ്രളയത്തെ പ്രതിരോധിക്കാനായി...
വെള്ളപ്പൊക്കമുണ്ടായാൽ പൊങ്ങിക്കിടക്കുന്ന ആംഫിബിയസ് വീടുകൾ നിർമിച്ച് കേരളത്തിൽ നിന്നുള്ള സ്റ്റാർട്ട സ്റ്റാർട്ടപ്. സ്റ്റാർട്ടപ് മിഷന്റെയും സ്റ്റാർട്ടപ് ഇന്ത്യയുടെയും അംഗീകാരത്തോടെ പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്ന നെസ്റ്റ് അബൈഡ് എന്ന സ്ഥാപനമാണു പുതിയ സാങ്കേതികവിദ്യയ്ക്കു പിന്നിൽ. https://www.manoramaonline.com/news/business/2021/10/01/business-amphibious.html
WhatsApp us at +91 7902276418
The concept of amphibious buildings through stories of family, friendship, technology and nature by Nanma Gireesh at TEDxThiruvananthapuram on January 20, 2019.
In this talk, Nanma shares how amphibious houses are a better alternative to the standard housing in areas that are prone to natural calamities like floods, as amphibious houses take little to no damage in comparison.
#TEDxThiruvananthapuram #civilengineering #amphibioushousing#floodcontrol #TEDx #keralafloods
Nanma Gireesh - +91 7902276418 Ben K George -+31-685113319 (Whatsapp only) Please drop a mail at nestabide@gmail.com
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